Tuesday, April 1, 2008


I got a new haircut today and I'm absolutely loving it! I can't stop smiling when I look in the mirror.

And I apologize for not putting many posts up, school has been crazy, especially Civics. This month is going to be hectic as well. Tomorrow I have to attend Mock Trial and the Fundraiser for the Young Womens Girls Camp which my lil sis will be attending this summer. Then, on Thursday, my cat is finally being spayed. So no more yowling in the middle of the night because she smells a male outside the window.


Gurgy said...

Love your hair, Nicole and I both cut ours off and had it donated to Locks of Love... but I do miss my long hair. I will try and post pics on my blog for you guys to see it...


Kristen said...

very nice. not too short.

i totally sent you this threatening, screaming email about how if you cut your hair i would beat the crap out of you.

and then i realized i sent it to the wrong person.

it was very embarrasing.

Unknown said...

Aww your hair looks cute!

Kristen...Dee dee dee! XD you goof ball, besides you have no room to talk little miss grow your hair out long and then cut it super short! :P lol