Friday, December 26, 2008


We ended up with a white Christmas this year. I was very happy with my gifts. Thanks Kris for the backpack, I'll definitely need it.

I was very, very, VERY happy about the present I got from my parents with Kristie's help.

An art set! I can't wait until I actually come up with something to paint. I need some painting tips/help from a pro, but there is someone up here that I'm sure would be thrilled to help me. I'd love to go to Nana's to learn from her, but I don't know if I'll have the time any time soon. I'll be spending another "Christmas" with my boyfriend and his family. I feel so bad that his parents and Grandma each bought me a present since I don't have much to give them. I'll have to bake lots and lots of goodies tonight.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas Eve

Well, a lot has happened since my last post. Nothing too eventful, my life is very boring. A bit of news: I finished my finals last week. They were a breeze. The hardest was math, but I ended up getting a B for the class. Still waiting for my other grades though. Hmm, lets cat is a dork. She attacks people's feet from below the floor. She sits on top of the mattress downstairs and attacks the ceiling when someone walks past. Hence the dorkness.
It snowed. A bit. It's raining now and most of the snow has melted. I'm not too thrilled. I hate the snow. Sure it looks pretty, but when it melts the ground is a swamp. I only need to wait a few more months and then I will be leaving to L.A. to live with my sister for a semester. I'll miss it up here, but I'll also miss the rest of the wet season up here. I'm very excited though! It'll be a good experience for me.
Another thing. Merry Christmas!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

I've Been Tagged

Tagged by Kristen

the tag rules are:
1. Link to the person who tagged you.
2. post the rules
3. write 6 random things about yourself.
4. tag 6 people, link to them.
5. let the folks know they've been tagged.

1) I like to do voice impersonations. Especially Gollum. I actually do it pretty well.
2)My left side is cursed. Everything that hurts or gets hurt is the left side. I had surgery on my left knee. When I run into things I get hit on the left side and all the bones I have broken have been on my left hand and foot.
3)I play the piano. I love to play classics. The first song I learned to play all the way through was Fur Elise. I only know how to play a few hymns well, as sad as that may be. I don't practice those as often as I should.
4)I used to be a tomboy. Apparently I'm not as tomboyish and tough as I was when I was young. Now, if I'm poked in the side and I say ow. It doesn't hurt, it's just a reflex.
5)I want to become a C.S.I! I used to hate math, but now, it's my favorite class, I do well in it and science is easy to me. Who knew?
6)I don't know 6 people who have blogs, only 4 and 2 of those have already been tagged.

So...I tag Brenda/Mom and Aunt Pattie
You're it

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Happy Birthday to Me!

Wow, 18 already. I'm legally an adult now. So far my day has gone well. I had to play piano in church today, but it wasn't too hard. Jori came over yesterday and took me out for a birthday dinner at La Casita. It was really good! I baked my cake and just finished putting on the frosting and decorating it. Sorry, no picture, it looks terrible.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

After much debate and discussion (with my mom) I have finally decided what I want to major in.

Forensic Science. I'm not doing it because CSI is an awesome show, because I know it's not going to be easy to get there. I'm so excited though! It sounds so fun!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Happy Birthday Mom!

I honestly think that my mom is the best ever. I tell her everything too. You may be thinking yeah, sure ya do, but she knows that I tell her everything. I lay on her bed just talking while she's trying to read a book (which she gets really annoyed about) about my day, whether anything interesting happened or not. I go to her for all my problems as well, she's very wise.
I love you Mom! Happy Birthday!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

First Day

Well, I survived the first day of school. When we first got there I had to go to the bathroom sooo badly. My sister kept giving us (her friend and me) the tour until I told her to stop stalling. So we went over to the library and it was LOCKED! We then went to the 800 building where there was a bathroom so I managed to make it. Then we went to the library 15 minutes later and stayed there until it was time for class. So after and hour and a half, I went to my first class, Math 13. They teacher is really good, and nice, I like him. There was only one person I knew, but she sits on the other side of the classroom. Then after Math, I went to creative writing. I was one of the few young students there. It was an ITV class so we had to stare at the TV. The thing is, the teacher is in Weaverville, and I know who she is! So when I saw her on the screen I was kinda disgruntled about it, but I got over it. She's quite a character. Then, oh but then thats when it happened. I heard a familiar voice from the TV. Then she started talking about a story she was writing. In my mind I was thinking I know that voice....I recognize that story....OH NO!!!!!!! IT'S KATE! Kate is a used-to-be-friend from high school. She's more annoying than my younger sis. Anyway, I dropped my head on the desk in self pity. I got over that as well, saying that she was on the other side of the TV and wouldn't have to deal with her. Then I had lunch and checked out the Institute of Religion then had to immediately go to my next class, English. Nothing interesting happened in there except that we got out early so I had about 2 hours before my next class. Then I went to Spanish. Spanish is my favorite class. It is SO FUN! I have 3 teachers, all female, that switch off teaching. I get out of that class 2 hours after it starts, so it's a long class. After our classes we went to Panda Express for a celebration dinner for surviving our first day. My sister's friend didn't have it as bad as me though because she had my sis in 3 of her classes. I didn't have my sis in any so, I'm glad I survived, but it was fun! It's going to be hard, but I think I can do it.

Thursday, August 14, 2008


Well, I'm going to be starting school next week. I am so nervous, yet excited. I'll be attending Shasta College and I have no clue where my classes are. Hopefully my sis will take me down sometime before school starts so I can tour the campus so I won't get lost and either miss or be late for a class. That wouldn't be good. I'm taking 4 hard classes. (According to the lady at the bookstore) so I believe most of my time will be spent working on homework. I am so going to die. Wish me luck.

Friday, July 11, 2008


Well, I figured it was about time I got around to posting my graduation pics from last month. So here are some. The picture below is me with the Biology teacher/my favorite teacher.

And this is me with my friends Beka and Sam

Wednesday, May 14, 2008


This last Saturday, the 10th, I went to the Prom with Jori. Mom made my dress (I really appreciate it) which I absolutely love! Except for the fact that it's still too big, but I love the fabric.

Jori wore a suit instead of a tux. I told him not to get a tux, too expensive and unnecessary. He looked really good in his suit though.

We went to dinner at the Red Dragon, the Chinese restaurant in town, went back to my house, took pictures, then went to Prom. A good amount of our friends were there and only one of mine went. Oh, and the food they had there, was soooooo good. There were these mini banana cream pies, oh they were so good, I lost count of how many I had. And yes I did dance. Some of the chaperones danced as well, even the principal. He jumped up on the stage and began headbanging and dancing. It was disturbing.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Lazy Saturday

School's been out this week for Spring Break and amazingly, it hasn't rained! And today it's 82 degrees outside, like it was yesterday. I've been loving the weather though. I took a short ride with my mom's bike (my tires need to be replaced) the other day with my younger sister. She wanted to ride down to her friends house (it's not too far, just has a semi-long, steep driveway), so I went with her and on our way down, something went funky with the bike and it flipped over on me. So now I have a scarred up left shin and knee, greenish black bruise on both sides of my left thigh, and a few cuts on my left hand. Like I've told my friends and family lots of times, my left side is cursed, but I'm totally fine now. I took another bike ride today on mom's bike and had no collisions. I'm not as clumsy as people think.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008


I got a new haircut today and I'm absolutely loving it! I can't stop smiling when I look in the mirror.

And I apologize for not putting many posts up, school has been crazy, especially Civics. This month is going to be hectic as well. Tomorrow I have to attend Mock Trial and the Fundraiser for the Young Womens Girls Camp which my lil sis will be attending this summer. Then, on Thursday, my cat is finally being spayed. So no more yowling in the middle of the night because she smells a male outside the window.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Wow....I really have lacked in putting up posts.... Well, school is going pretty well for me. I'm the only student in my Chem. class with an A. The rest have C's or F's. Yeah, they don't do their work.

I can't believe that in a month (end of March) that my boyfriend and I will have been together for a year! A YEAR! Needless to say I'm surprised that he's stayed with me. It seems like it was only yesterday that we started dating. Mom likes him and is fine with us having been together this long, but.....Dad is another story. He seems to like Jori, yet at every turn tries to get me to break up with him. >.< It annoys me soooooo much.

Friday, February 1, 2008

Here is a picture of my bf and me.

Aren't we cute! XD

Sunday, January 20, 2008

R.E.D (Read Every Day)

My old Sunday School teacher challenged us to read the scriptures everyday. It doesn't matter how much we read as long as we read everyday. Today she gave us these packets with twelve envelopes in them. After each month, if we read everyday, we can open the envelopes. I think I can finally reach my goal of reading the scriptures with this motivation. I'm not going to cheat and look through all the envelopes. I'm a good kid. So now, starting today, I'm going to try to read my scriptures everyday. Go me!

Friday, January 18, 2008

New Year

Yay! Finally the new year. I'm not making any new year resolutions though because I fail miserably as always. I'm still having trouble with getting on the computer and putting up posts so bare with me and my lateness. And lack of pictures. My computer is slow.
Anyway, I got my grades back from finals. I'm passing all my classes! When I saw I got a C in Econ I started crying, I was so happy. I was failing that class and my grade weighed heavily on the grade of my final. So obviously I did well. So yay me!