Monday, November 30, 2009

Something Random

A couple months ago I was looking through my box of writing when I found a poem that I had written, but didn't finish, during my Senior year for my English class. Since I liked what was written, I decided to finish it and share it. We had to write an Ode so here is my Ode to Insanity.

Ode to Insanity
My friend, which cannot be seen with the eye
You give me comfort inside my warped mind
Cackling maniacally when others are nigh
Giving them chills and think you unkind
Only I know you have a sincere heart
To give comfort to those who are in need
The ones who have indeed lost their head
And with that you've done your deed.
Don't be like mom and leave a horse and cart
Otherwise I'd say you haven't done your part
And besides, without you, I'd be better off dead.

You're a blanket of security wrapped up tight
Around those loose headed forms
Which keeps them awake at night
In their enclosed padded dorms.
Running in circles, making a scene
All the others think us as weird
But this is as normal as I can be
It is not something to be feared
Since you are something that cannot be seen
But still, I treat you like a Queen
Because you, my friend, are my Insanity

I only had a few lines into the second stanza when I turned it in. Since I worked so hard on it, I got full credit unlike some other students who wrote a bunch of nonsense, finished it, and received a C. I was very proud of myself. And yes, I know, it's weird, but that's why I like it.

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