Since my last post, I have gotten married. My husband and I were sealed in the Oakland Temple on July 1st, 2011.

We had our reception the next day and had a ring ceremony for family and close friends unable to attend the wedding. We had a laid back honeymoon at the coast, enjoying the cooler July weather. Jori and I have been married for nearly eight months now, and they have been the best months of my life, and I look forward to many more years with him.
When Jori moved in, he also brought with him his dog, Jake, an Australian Shephard/Black Lab mix. As most of you know, I have a cat, so we were a little worried about how they would get along. At first, Jake was scared of the cat and would be tearing through the house, trying to get away from her. After a while, they finally got to the point where they tolerated each other. Now though, we find them cuddling up with each other and being friendly, but once they notice us looking, it's back to ignoring each other.
As a Wedding present, my in-laws paid for a trip to Disneyland, so in September Jori and I got the chance to do that, and we had a blast. We stayed with my oldest sister and got to spend some time with her too while we were there.
In November, Jori and I had the opportunity to go to a Trans-Siberian Orchestra concert in Sacramento with my older sister and her friends. It. Was. Awesome! I totally want to go to the next one. They are so fun to watch. I can't imagine how hard it would be to be running across the stage while still playing.
Jori and I spent our first Thanksgiving with family, but we spent our first Christmas together. I made a small meal for us, which still lasted for a few days after, and I had my first try at making twice baked potatoes. Which are delicious! My mother-in-law gave me a box full of family recipes for a christmas present, which I have made a few dishes from, all of which are delicious, delicious!
Now finally we're in February. Jori and I just got back from another trip south to San Diego for his grandmother's 90th birthday. So I got to meet more in-laws, and get to know them. We had a lot of fun, and the day after the party, we went to the San Diego Zoo with Jori's Aunt and Uncle. So many animals! The best Zoo I've been to. My legs are still recuperating from walking up and down hills, and all around for eight hours.